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We Communicate For Happy Children

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UNICEF Statement from Iraq, January 2018

Following his visit to Iraq in January 2018, Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director stated that at least one of four children in Iraq is impacted by conflict and poverty.

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UNICEF Statements on Children in Mosul and Raqqa

According to Hamida Ramadhani, UNICEF’s Deputy Representative in Iraq, despite the end of the battle in Mosul, children’s deep physical and mental scars will take time to heal.

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UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018-2021

UNICEF published the executive summary of its plan for the years 2018-2021.

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موجز سياسات اليونيسف للحماية من فيروس كورونا

Children are not the face of this pandemic. But they risk being among its biggest victims.

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