نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

Science of ECD


Experts Meeting Report, Reviewing and enriching SECD training modules

It is a report in Arabic about a meeting that occurred in Beirut in January 2015 in order to review SECD materials.

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Report of Regional Arab Training Workshop on SECD

It is a report in Arabic about a training workshop on SECD that took place in Jordan in October 2013.

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Regional Arab Training Workshop on SECD

Due to the emerging need of the early childhood sector in the Arab world to qualified professionals, this training workshop aimed at contributing to meet this urgent need by training on the “Scienc

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Introduction to SECD Modules

It is a presentation in Arabic about SECD, its modules, sources of the materials, their importance, partners, and the process of its Arabic publication.

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